Tajikistan Women

Statistics based on last games

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Win rate of last "X" number of games covering the "Asian Handicap"

5 0% 0.00
10 0% 0.00
15 0% 0.00
All 0% 0.00

Win rate of last "X" number of games covering the "Goal line"

5 0% 0.00
10 0% 0.00
15 0% 0.00
All 0% 0.00

* - Average difference from opening line

Win rate of last "X" number of games covering the "Asian Corners"

5 0% 0.00
10 0% 0.00
15 0% 0.00
All 0% 0.00
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Date Home Score Away 1x2 Drop Home Asian Handicap Goal Line Asian Corners Dangerous Attacks Total Shots Shots on Target Corners     
L 20-07-2022 17:00 1 Tajikistan Women 0 - 1 Kyrgyzstan Women 1
S: - 3.80 ?
K: ?3.75 -
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Filter by Last: Type: League:


Nr. Name Country Birthdate Position Height Weight Foot
1 Saiyora Saidova 1998-02-01 Guard - - -
2 Sakhina Saidova 1999-12-16 Defender - - -
4 Natalia Sotnikova 1994-07-02 Midfielder - - -
6 Zulaikho Safarova 2000-07-21 Forward - - -
8 Madina Fozilova 1996-05-01 Forward - - -
9 Marjona Fayzulloeva 2000-09-04 Defender - - -
14 Nodira Mirzoeva 1994-10-04 Defender - - -
15 Nekubakht Khudododova 2002-02-23 Forward - - -
17 Munisa Mirzoeva 2000-12-15 Midfielder - - -
18 Shukrona Khojaeva 2002-09-11 Defender - - -
20 Laylo Khalimova 1997-11-16 Midfielder - - -
5 Nasiba Olimova 1999-01-14 Defender - - -
12 Shakhnoza Boboeva 2000-01-06 Defender - - -
13 Mavjuda Safarova 1999-05-07 Midfielder - - -
16 Adolatkhon Komilova 1997-11-19 Guard - - -
19 Sayramjon Kholnazarova 1999-08-27 Midfielder - - -
21 Jumakhon Shukronai 1999-04-04 Defender - - -
23 Azimzoda Shukronai 2002-12-29 Guard - - -