FSV Barleben

Statistics based on last games

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Win rate of last "X" number of games covering the "Asian Handicap"

5 0% 0.00
10 0% 0.00
15 0% 0.00
All 0% 0.00

Win rate of last "X" number of games covering the "Goal line"

5 0% 0.00
10 0% 0.00
15 0% 0.00
All 0% 0.00

* - Average difference from opening line

Win rate of last "X" number of games covering the "Asian Corners"

5 0% 0.00
10 0% 0.00
15 0% 0.00
All 0% 0.00
Show Home (X) Show Away (X) Show 1st half stats
Date Home Score Away 1x2 Drop Home Asian Handicap Goal Line Asian Corners Dangerous Attacks Total Shots Shots on Target Corners     
L 20-08-2024 16:30 2 SV Fortuna Magdeburg 3 - 2 FSV Barleben 1
S: - 3.60 ?
K: ?3.75 -




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D 03-05-2024 16:30 4 FSV Barleben 0 - 0 SC Bernburg 4
S: - 3.60 ?
K: ?3.60 -




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L 12-11-2023 13:00 1. FC Lok Stendal 3 - 1 FSV Barleben 4
S: - 4.00 ?
K: ?4.33 -




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Last notifications

Filter by Last: Type: League:


Nr. Name Country Birthdate Position Height Weight Foot
24 Christoph Grabinski 1990-03-12 Midfielder 180 75 Left
23 Robert Low 1991-04-06 Defender 174 - Left
5 Christian Falk 1993-02-07 Defender 181 - Left
7 Marwin Potyka 1992-06-24 Midfielder 180 - Left
1 Alexis Lenhard 1990-10-28 Guard 187 - Right
20 Christopher Kalkutschke 1991-11-09 Forward 181 - Both
6 Peter Otte 1984-09-16 Defender 183 - Right
3 Felix Habeland 1994-02-02 Defender 184 - Left
18 Denny Piele 1988-08-09 Forward 179 - Both
9 Paul Fricke 1996-01-17 Midfielder 178 - Both
16 Rene Heckeroth 1980-01-19 Defender 170 - Right
12 Nils Oliver Gores 1987-10-02 Defender 170 - Right
10 Denis Neumann 1990-07-26 Forward 188 - Right
- Rick Goedicke 1996-05-07 Forward 183 - Right
21 Florian Stransch 1996-05-12 Guard 184 - Right
2 Torsten Kuhnast 1981-01-31 Forward 180 - Left
4 Alexander Prinz 1994-04-13 Defender 194 - Both
- Christoph Schindler 1988-01-18 Midfielder 184 - Right
- Christoph Schindler 1988-01-18 Midfielder 184 - Right
14 Philipp Brix 1997-01-12 Midfielder 171 - Both
25 Dennis Spitzer 1997-02-14 Defender 178 - Left
19 David Spitzer 1997-02-14 Defender 178 - Right
13 Franz Zimmer 1987-12-23 Midfielder 188 - Right
11 Tim Kolzenburg 1995-07-25 Midfielder 179 - Both
31 Christian Beer 1980-11-30 Guard - - -
30 Dean Kamith 1996-09-17 Guard 193 - Right
22 Paul Lubner 1999-09-09 Midfielder 175 - Right
- Lukas Buretzek - Midfielder - - Left
31 Dominic Ferchland 1999-07-12 Guard - - Right