Statistics based on last games

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Win rate of last "X" number of games covering the "Asian Handicap"

5 0% 0.00
10 0% 0.00
15 0% 0.00
All 0% 0.00

Win rate of last "X" number of games covering the "Goal line"

5 0% 0.00
10 0% 0.00
15 0% 0.00
All 0% 0.00

* - Average difference from opening line

Win rate of last "X" number of games covering the "Asian Corners"

5 0% 0.00
10 0% 0.00
15 0% 0.00
All 0% 0.00
Show Home (X) Show Away (X) Show 1st half stats
Date Home Score Away 1x2 Drop Home Asian Handicap Goal Line Asian Corners Dangerous Attacks Total Shots Shots on Target Corners     
W 08-10-2023 1:30 1 Progresso 7 - 0 Wagiya FC 2
S: - 5.50 ?
K: ?5.50 -




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L 20-08-2023 1:30 3 Progresso 0 - 2 Port Layola 2
S: - 3.40 ?
K: ?3.50 -
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W 19-03-2023 21:30 4 1 Progresso 3 - 0 Benque United 1 6
S: - 3.10 ?
K: ?3.10 -




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W 12-02-2023 21:30 3 Progresso 2 - 0 Wagiya FC 1 5
S: - 4.50 ?
K: ?4.75 -




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Last notifications

Filter by Last: Type: League:


Nr. Name Country Birthdate Position Height Weight Foot
- Diego Guastavino 1984-07-26 Midfielder 170 66 Right
28 Danilo Asconeguy 1986-09-04 Defender 177 75 Right
15 Nicolas Andres Freitas Silva 1987-06-08 Midfielder 182 84 Right
89 Jonathan Daniel Soto Da Luz 1988-10-04 Midfielder 194 90 Left
- Lucero Alvarez 1985-02-24 Guard 187 80 Right
44 Roberto Martin Rivas Tagliabue 1992-03-14 Defender 179 78 Left
- Alex Silva Quiroga 1993-06-15 Defender 174 76 Right
11 Gaston Colman 1989-04-04 Forward 187 71 Left
- Nahuel Suarez 2000-06-02 Guard 183 - Left
16 Rodrigo Mieres 1989-04-19 Defender 190 - Right
8 Mario Garcia 1999-09-08 Midfielder 174 - Right
26 Ismael Tejeria 2000-02-23 Defender 188 83 Right
- Gonzalo Andrada 1997-07-04 Midfielder 174 - Right
- Maximiliano Viera 1991-11-11 Forward 178 - -
30 Joel Lew 1998-02-27 Midfielder 171 - Right
22 Gabriel Albin 1999-04-14 Midfielder 178 73 Left
12 Franco Aranda 2001-05-02 - 189 80 Left
4 Matias Gallardo 2000-04-20 - 185 - Right
5 Hernan Labraga 2000-05-09 - 186 80 Right
- Andrew Zamorano 1995-02-04 - 175 - Left
- Pablo Caballero 1987-11-21 - 178 - Left
- Jorge González 1992-06-26 - 179 - Left
- Luis Maldonado 1985-03-26 - 184 - Right
- Nicolás Rodríguez 2001-12-19 - 174 - Left
- Facundo González 2002-10-13 - - - -
- Nicolás Mallet 2000-09-21 - 173 - -
- Mauro Martín 1999-07-29 - - - -
- Santiago Ballestero 2000-11-18 - 178 - Right
11 Franco López 1992-10-20 - 170 - Right
19 Luis Femia 2002-05-27 - 173 - Right
25 Alejandro García 2000-11-02 - 170 - Right
27 Agustín Moreira 2001-05-28 - - - Right
44 Jairo Guerra 1999-08-24 - - - Left