AS Ostia Mare

Statistiques basées sur les dernières jeux

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Win rate of last "X" number of games covering the "Asian Handicap"

5 0% 0.00
10 0% 0.00
15 0% 0.00
Tous 0% 0.00

Win rate of last "X" number of games covering the "Goal line"

5 0% 0.00
10 0% 0.00
15 0% 0.00
Tous 0% 0.00

* - Average difference from opening line

Win rate of last "X" number of games covering the "Asian Corners"

5 0% 0.00
10 0% 0.00
15 0% 0.00
Tous 0% 0.00
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Date Domicile Score Extérieure 1x2 Dépôt Handicap Asiatique a domicile Ligne de but Corners asiatiques Dangereuses Attaques Nombre total de tirs Tirs cadrés Corners     
D 14-04-2024 13:00 4 USD Latte Dolce 1 - 1 AS Ostia Mare 5
S: - 3.20 ?
K: ?3.25 -




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L 03-03-2024 13:30 2 Cavese 1 - 0 AS Ostia Mare 2
S: - 3.40 ?
K: ?3.25 -
1.975, 1.825




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D 18-02-2024 13:00 2 Sarrabus Ogliastra 2 - 2 AS Ostia Mare 2
S: - 3.40 ?
K: ?3.50 -




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L 28-01-2024 13:30 2 Virtus Flaminia 2 - 0 AS Ostia Mare 3
S: - 2.90 ?
K: ?3.00 -
1.800, 2.000




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Dernières notifications

Filter by Dernière: Type: Ligue:


Nr. Name Country Birthdate Position Height Weight Foot
9 Claudio De Sousa 1985-08-10 Forward 182 74 Right
37 Giovanni Esposito 1985-07-30 - 182 79 Left
3 Gianmarco Carta 1991-12-14 Defender 187 77 Left
- Francesco Marcheggiani 1991-08-02 Forward 180 - Left
- Davide Buono 1991-04-11 Midfielder 172 - -
- Luca Gelonese 1995-05-11 Midfielder 182 - Right
- Simone Icardi 1996-09-13 Midfielder 183 77 Right
- Mariano Bernardini 1998-01-14 Midfielder 180 - Right
- Andrea Tinti 1999-05-18 Defender 186 - Right
21 Alessio Pedone 1999-01-01 Midfielder - - -
29 Cristian Bellini 1993-10-19 Midfielder 171 - Right
- Renato Bussone 1999-05-11 Defender - - -
8 Adriano D'Astolfo 1984-03-20 Midfielder 177 - -
18 Enrico Ferrari 1998-11-18 Midfielder - - -
4 Alessandro Lisari 1996-05-31 - - - -
11 Damiano Lazzeri 2001-01-01 - - - -
13 Nicolo Zoppellari 2002-01-01 - - - -
14 Gianmarco Facchini 2000-10-04 - - - -
15 Simone Pattelli 2002-02-03 - - - -
16 Yur Gaeta 2002-07-16 - - - -
17 Christian Ippoliti 2003-01-01 - - - -
22 Valerio Giori 2002-01-01 - - - -
24 Simone Scaccia 2001-05-14 - - - -
27 Gabriele Formiconi 2002-01-01 - - - -
30 Daniele Verdirosi 2000-01-22 - - - -
30 Flavio Moi 2002-02-15 - - - -
31 Lorenzo Gabriele 2002-01-20 - - - -
- Matteo Vagnoni 2001-09-10 - - - Right
- Giammarco Caon 2001-12-17 - - - -
- Simone Talamonti 2003-01-01 - - - Right
- Alessandro Pozzi 2004-09-02 - 183 - -