Brazil U20 League

Vila Nova U20 Itumbiara U20
Corner 94 - 13th Corner - Itumbiara U20
91 - 11th Yellow Card - Vila Nova U20
Goal 87 - 7th Goal - Itumbiara U20
Goal 84 - 6th Goal - Vila Nova U20
74 - 10th Yellow Card - Itumbiara U20
Corner 69 - 12th Corner - Vila Nova U20
Corner 67 - 11th Corner - Vila Nova U20
Corner 65 - 10th Corner - Vila Nova U20
64 - 9th Yellow Card - Itumbiara U20
Goal 62 - 5th Goal - Vila Nova U20
61 - 8th Yellow Card - Vila Nova U20
Corner 60 - 9th Corner - Vila Nova U20
Goal 59 - 4th Goal - Vila Nova U20
Corner 59 - 8th Corner - Vila Nova U20
Corner 56 - 7th Corner - Vila Nova U20
Goal 52 - 3rd Goal - Vila Nova U20
Corner 51 - 6th Corner - Itumbiara U20
Corner 48 - 5th Corner - Itumbiara U20
Goal 43 - 2nd Goal - Vila Nova U20
39 - 7th Yellow Card - Itumbiara U20
Corner 36 - 4th Corner - Itumbiara U20
34 - 6th Yellow Card - Itumbiara U20
Corner 33 - 3rd Corner - Itumbiara U20
30 - 5th Yellow Card - Vila Nova U20
27 - 4th Yellow Card - Vila Nova U20
18 - 3rd Yellow Card - Itumbiara U20
Corner 12 - 2nd Corner - Vila Nova U20
11 - 2nd Yellow Card - Itumbiara U20
10 - 1st Yellow Card - Vila Nova U20
Goal 8 - 1st Goal - Vila Nova U20
Corner 6 - 1st Corner - Vila Nova U20
Abpfiff Eckbälle Elfmeter Wechsel Ball Safe Tore
Vila Nova U20 8 5 0 0 0 65 6
Itumbiara U20 5 6 0 0 0 80 1
Schüsse aufs Tor
Schüsse neben das Tor
Gefährliche Angriffe
19:41 - 1x2: 1.002 51.000 51.000
20:18 - Asian Handicap: (0) 1.190, 4.500
20:19 - Goal Line: (7.5) 5.500, 1.150

1X2 Quoten

Gefährliche Angriffe

Schüsse aufs Tor

Schüsse neben das Tor



Statistiken basierend auf den letzten spielen

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