North & Central America - World Cup Qualifying

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North & Central America - World Cup Qualifying (01/01/2015 - 03/03/2025) Gesamtdurchschnitt

Tore Gefährliche Angriffe Angriffe Eckbälle Aufs Tor Schüsse Neben das Tor Schüsse Totale Schüsse
? 52.21 ? 4.93 ? 6.75 ?

Team Statistiken (01/01/2015 - 03/03/2025) erhalten

Mannschftsname Tore Gefährliche Angriffe Angriffe Eckbälle Aufs Tor Schüsse Neben das Tor Schüsse Totale Schüsse
Trinidad & Tobago ? 1.50 52.50 ? ? 86.00 4.00 ? ? 6.50 7.00 ? ? 9.50
Haiti ? 1.00 68.50 ? ? 62.00 6.50 ? ? 1.50 10.50 ? ? 3.00
Panama ? 1.38 62.75 ? ? 83.25 6.13 ? ? 2.63 8.75 ? ? 8.88
Cuba ? 3.00 33.00 ? ? 151.00 3.00 ? ? 9.00 1.00 ? ? 20.00
Nicaragua ? 0.50 66.50 ? ? 94.00 2.00 ? ? 3.50 11.00 ? ? 7.00
Honduras ? 1.63 51.88 ? ? 93.63 5.00 ? ? 3.50 7.75 ? ? 9.25
USA ? 0.83 65.50 ? ? 79.67 6.50 ? ? 1.83 8.67 ? ? 6.67
Costa Rica ? 0.13 39.88 ? ? 124.75 3.88 ? ? 2.88 5.00 ? ? 14.13
Canada ? 0.33 46.33 ? ? 106.83 6.00 ? ? 3.17 8.17 ? ? 10.17
Mexico ? 0.00 76.00 ? ? 75.60 6.20 ? ? 2.00 13.80 ? ? 6.80
Guatemala ? 0.00 110.50 ? ? 95.50 12.00 ? ? 2.00 9.50 ? ? 4.00
El Salvador ? 1.13 42.38 ? ? 101.50 5.38 ? ? 4.13 6.63 ? ? 12.88
Jamaica ? 1.71 47.14 ? ? 88.00 3.71 ? ? 4.57 7.29 ? ? 10.00
Grenada ? 2.50 64.00 ? ? 92.00 3.50 ? ? 5.50 4.50 ? ? 10.00
Aruba ? 2.00 41.50 ? ? 108.50 2.50 ? ? 6.50 2.00 ? ? 14.50
Curacao ? 0.50 60.00 ? ? 62.50 6.50 ? ? 3.00 7.00 ? ? 5.00
Belize ? 3.50 32.00 ? ? 104.00 3.50 ? ? 8.00 3.50 ? ? 21.00
Antigua & Barbuda ? 1.00 57.00 ? ? 97.00 5.50 ? ? 5.00 5.00 ? ? 13.00
St. Vincent/Grenadines ? 3.50 29.00 ? ? 100.50 7.50 ? ? 6.00 3.50 ? ? 17.00
Puerto Rico ? 0.00 56.50 ? ? 69.50 5.00 ? ? 1.00 6.50 ? ? 5.50
Dominican Republic ? 0.50 53.00 ? ? 74.50 5.00 ? ? 1.00 3.50 ? ? 6.00
St. Kitts and Nevis ? 2.00 59.00 ? ? 100.00 9.00 ? ? 4.00 9.50 ? ? 9.50
Suriname ? 0.50 89.00 ? ? 59.50 8.50 ? ? 2.50 11.50 ? ? 5.00
Bermuda ? 3.50 58.00 ? ? 80.00 4.00 ? ? 8.50 6.00 ? ? 14.50
Barbados ? 3.50 24.00 ? ? 98.50 2.00 ? ? 6.50 2.00 ? ? 14.50
Dominica ? 4.50 56.00 ? ? 117.50 2.00 ? ? 9.50 3.50 ? ? 15.50
Guyana ? 1.50 58.50 ? ? 86.00 6.50 ? ? 4.00 8.00 ? ? 7.50
Bahamas ? 4.00 30.50 ? ? 92.50 2.00 ? ? 9.50 2.00 ? ? 21.50
Cayman Islands ? 0.00 49.00 ? ? 132.00 3.00 ? ? 2.00 5.00 ? ? 10.00
Anguilla ? 6.00 12.00 ? ? 113.50 0.00 ? ? 11.50 1.50 ? ? 23.50
Montserrat ? 3.50 52.50 ? ? 159.50 3.00 ? ? 8.50 2.00 ? ? 16.50
British Virgin Islands ? 3.50 18.50 ? ? 123.00 1.50 ? ? 5.50 1.00 ? ? 16.50
Saint Lucia ? 2.00 47.00 ? ? 88.00 4.00 ? ? 7.50 4.50 ? ? 14.00

Varianz Durchschnittliche Differenz zur Opening-Line


Advantage (01/01/2015 - 03/03/2025)

Mannschftsname GF GA Number of Games Advantage
Dominican Republic 4 0 1 4.00
British Virgin Islands 0 3 1 -3.00
Puerto Rico 8 0 1 8.00
Anguilla 0 4 1 -4.00
Guyana 3 1 1 2.00
Belize 0 4 1 -4.00
St. Kitts and Nevis 1 0 1 1.00
Bahamas 1 7 1 -6.00
Saint Lucia 2 2 1 0.00
Aruba 0 2 1 -2.00
Montserrat 1 3 1 -2.00
Panama 7 3 4 1.00
Bermuda 1 6 1 -5.00
Honduras 3 6 4 -0.75
Grenada 0 3 1 -3.00
Costa Rica 8 0 4 2.00
Barbados 1 3 1 -2.00
Haiti 2 1 1 1.00
St. Vincent/Grenadines 1 3 1 -2.00
El Salvador 1 4 3 -1.00
Dominica 2 3 1 -1.00
Jamaica 5 5 5 0.00
Cayman Islands 1 0 1 1.00
Antigua & Barbuda 1 1 1 0.00
Nicaragua 4 1 1 3.00
Curacao 4 1 1 3.00
Trinidad & Tobago 2 2 1 0.00
Suriname 4 1 1 3.00
Guatemala 6 0 1 6.00
Cuba 0 0 0 -
Mexico 3 0 4 0.75
Canada 6 0 2 3.00
USA 9 1 3 2.67
Mannschftsname GF GA Number of Games Advantage
Dominican Republic 0 1 1 -1.00
British Virgin Islands 0 4 1 -4.00
Puerto Rico 0 0 1 0.00
Anguilla 0 8 1 -8.00
Guyana 0 2 1 -2.00
Belize 1 3 1 -2.00
St. Kitts and Nevis 0 4 1 -4.00
Bahamas 0 1 1 -1.00
Saint Lucia 1 2 1 -1.00
Aruba 2 2 1 0.00
Montserrat 1 4 1 -3.00
Panama 4 8 4 -1.00
Bermuda 1 1 1 0.00
Honduras 8 7 4 0.25
Grenada 2 2 1 0.00
Costa Rica 6 1 4 1.25
Barbados 1 4 1 -3.00
Haiti 3 1 1 2.00
St. Vincent/Grenadines 1 4 1 -3.00
El Salvador 6 5 5 0.20
Dominica 0 6 1 -6.00
Jamaica 5 9 3 -1.33
Cayman Islands 0 0 0 -
Antigua & Barbuda 0 1 1 -1.00
Nicaragua 4 0 1 4.00
Curacao 2 0 1 2.00
Trinidad & Tobago 7 1 1 6.00
Suriname 4 0 1 4.00
Guatemala 3 0 1 3.00
Cuba 1 3 1 -2.00
Mexico 3 1 2 1.00
Canada 4 2 4 0.50
USA 0 4 3 -1.33

Overall Advantage (01/01/2015 - 03/03/2025)

North & Central America - World Cup Qualifying

2nd round, Group F

P Mannschaften W D L Tore PO
1 Suriname 2 0 0 8:1 6
2 El Salvador 1 1 0 3:1 4
3 Puerto Rico 0 1 0 0:0 1
4 Anguilla 0 0 1 0:4 0
5 St. Vincent/Grenadines 0 0 2 2:7 0

2nd round, Group E

P Mannschaften W D L Tore PO
1 Guatemala 2 0 0 9:0 6
2 Jamaica 2 0 0 4:2 6
3 Dominican Republic 0 0 1 0:1 0
4 British Virgin Islands 0 0 1 0:3 0
5 Dominica 0 0 2 2:9 0

2nd round, Group D

P Mannschaften W D L Tore PO
1 Nicaragua 2 0 0 8:1 6
2 Panama 2 0 0 5:1 6
3 Guyana 1 0 1 3:3 3
4 Montserrat 0 0 2 2:7 0
5 Belize 0 0 2 1:7 0

2nd round, Group C

P Mannschaften W D L Tore PO
1 Curacao 2 0 0 6:1 6
2 Haiti 2 0 0 5:2 6
3 Saint Lucia 0 1 1 3:4 1
4 Aruba 0 1 1 2:4 1
5 Barbados 0 0 2 2:7 0

2nd round, Group B

P Mannschaften W D L Tore PO
1 Costa Rica 2 0 0 7:0 6
2 Trinidad & Tobago 1 1 0 9:3 4
3 St. Kitts and Nevis 1 0 1 1:4 3
4 Grenada 0 1 1 2:5 1
5 Bahamas 0 0 2 1:8 0

2nd round, Group A

P Mannschaften W D L Tore PO
1 Honduras 2 0 0 9:2 6
2 Cayman Islands 1 0 0 1:0 3
3 Antigua & Barbuda 0 1 1 1:2 1
4 Bermuda 0 1 1 2:7 1
5 Cuba 0 0 1 1:3 0

2nd round, Group F

P Mannschaften W D L Tore PO
1 Suriname 1 0 0 4:1 3
2 El Salvador 0 1 0 0:0 1
3 Puerto Rico 0 0 0 0:0 0
4 St. Vincent/Grenadines 0 0 1 1:3 0
5 Anguilla 0 0 1 0:4 0

2nd round, Group E

P Mannschaften W D L Tore PO
1 Guatemala 1 0 0 6:0 3
2 Jamaica 1 0 0 1:0 3
3 Dominican Republic 0 0 0 0:0 0
4 Dominica 0 0 1 2:3 0
5 British Virgin Islands 0 0 1 0:3 0

2nd round, Group D

P Mannschaften W D L Tore PO
1 Nicaragua 1 0 0 4:1 3
2 Guyana 1 0 0 3:1 3
3 Panama 1 0 0 2:0 3
4 Montserrat 0 0 1 1:3 0
5 Belize 0 0 1 0:4 0

2nd round, Group C

P Mannschaften W D L Tore PO
1 Curacao 1 0 0 4:1 3
2 Haiti 1 0 0 2:1 3
3 Saint Lucia 0 1 0 2:2 1
4 Barbados 0 0 1 1:3 0
5 Aruba 0 0 1 0:2 0

2nd round, Group B

P Mannschaften W D L Tore PO
1 Costa Rica 1 0 0 4:0 3
2 St. Kitts and Nevis 1 0 0 1:0 3
3 Trinidad & Tobago 0 1 0 2:2 1
4 Grenada 0 0 1 0:3 0
5 Bahamas 0 0 1 1:7 0

2nd round, Group A

P Mannschaften W D L Tore PO
1 Honduras 1 0 0 3:1 3
2 Cayman Islands 1 0 0 1:0 3
3 Antigua & Barbuda 0 1 0 1:1 1
4 Cuba 0 0 0 0:0 0
5 Bermuda 0 0 1 1:6 0

2nd round, Group F

P Mannschaften W D L Tore PO
1 Suriname 1 0 0 4:0 3
2 El Salvador 1 0 0 3:1 3
3 Puerto Rico 0 1 0 0:0 1
4 Anguilla 0 0 0 0:0 0
5 St. Vincent/Grenadines 0 0 1 1:4 0

2nd round, Group E

P Mannschaften W D L Tore PO
1 Guatemala 1 0 0 3:0 3
2 Jamaica 1 0 0 3:2 3
3 British Virgin Islands 0 0 0 0:0 0
4 Dominican Republic 0 0 1 0:1 0
5 Dominica 0 0 1 0:6 0

2nd round, Group D

P Mannschaften W D L Tore PO
1 Nicaragua 1 0 0 4:0 3
2 Panama 1 0 0 3:1 3
3 Belize 0 0 1 1:3 0
4 Guyana 0 0 1 0:2 0
5 Montserrat 0 0 1 1:4 0

2nd round, Group C

P Mannschaften W D L Tore PO
1 Haiti 1 0 0 3:1 3
2 Curacao 1 0 0 2:0 3
3 Aruba 0 1 0 2:2 1
4 Saint Lucia 0 0 1 1:2 0
5 Barbados 0 0 1 1:4 0

2nd round, Group B

P Mannschaften W D L Tore PO
1 Trinidad & Tobago 1 0 0 7:1 3
2 Costa Rica 1 0 0 3:0 3
3 Grenada 0 1 0 2:2 1
4 Bahamas 0 0 1 0:1 0
5 St. Kitts and Nevis 0 0 1 0:4 0

2nd round, Group A

P Mannschaften W D L Tore PO
1 Honduras 1 0 0 6:1 3
2 Bermuda 0 1 0 1:1 1
3 Cayman Islands 0 0 0 0:0 0
4 Antigua & Barbuda 0 0 1 0:1 0
5 Cuba 0 0 1 1:3 0

Top List


Team Name Player Name Doubtful Start Missing
Belize Michael Salazar 0 2020-07-12 1
Jamaica Jon Bell 0 2024-05-28 1