AFC U23 Championship

[3] Iraq U23 3
1 Kuwait U23 [4]

Round: 3



4 - Hussein Ammar Fawwaz Al-Embailesh - 9
11 - Muntadher Mohammed Naser Falah - 8
19 - Hassan Raed Mohammad Alshammari - 11
22 - Hassan Ahmed Fahad Zayed - 20
14 - Merchas Doski Ali Abd Al-Rasoul - 13
15 - Mohammed Al-Baqir Yousef Ayedh - 7
23 - Ahmed Naeem Abdulrahman Al-Fadhli - 22
16 - Muntadher Abdulameer Alhasan Mohammad Al-Rashed - 17
8 - Moamel Abdulridha Ogaili Mahdi Dashti - 16
10 - Hasan Abdulkareem Sayyid Abdulaziz Naji Hasan Murad Abdulaziz Mahran - 6
9 - Wakaa Ramadhan Jumaah Yousef Al Haqan - 4


17 - Maytham Waad Fahad Al-Azmi - 19
5 - Baqer Attwan Al-magsoosi Omar Alrashidi - 3
13 - Ali Majid Al-Rubaye Mohammad Al-Husainan - 23
12 - Hussein Ali Jooli Saleh Al-Bannay - 15
6 - Cardo Siddik Saleh Al-Mehtab - 12
1 - Mustafa Athab Aqeel Al-Hazeem - 10
21 - Ammar Ghaleb falih Alodhaimi Bader Almutairi - 18
2 - Abbas Badeea Alfuraijat Othman Al-Shammari - 5
18 - Hiran Ahmed Abdullah Al-Jazzaf - 2
3 - Ahmed Hasan Maknazi Al-Reeshawee Khaled Al-Ajaji - 1
Iraq U23 Kuwait U23
Corner 90 - 7th Corner - Iraq U23
Goal 82 - 4th Goal - Iraq U23
Corner 82 - 6th Corner - Iraq U23
77 - 3rd Yellow Card - Iraq U23
76 - 2nd Yellow Card - Kuwait U23
66 - 1st Yellow Card - Iraq U23
Goal 59 - 3rd Goal - Iraq U23
Corner 56 - 5th Corner - Iraq U23
Corner 54 - 4th Corner - Iraq U23
Corner 47 - 3rd Corner - Iraq U23
Corner 36 - 2nd Corner - Kuwait U23
Goal 35 - 2nd Goal - Iraq U23
Corner 32 - 1st Corner - Iraq U23
28 - Missed Penalty - Kuwait U23
Goal 12 - 1st Goal - Kuwait U23
Full-Time Corners Penalties Substitutions Offsides Saves Shots Blocked Fouls Ball Safe Injures Goals
Iraq U23 6 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 10 96 3 3
Kuwait U23 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 1 9 100 2 1
Shots on Target
Shots off Target
Dangerous Attacks
14:43 - 1x2: 1.002 51.000 81.000
14:47 - Asian Handicap: (0) 1.325, 3.300
14:48 - Goal Line: (4.5) 7.800, 1.090

1X2 Odds

Dangerous Attacks

Shots on Target

Shots off Target



Statistics based on last games

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