Toros Huatusco Liga de Fútbol de Tehuacán
Corner 95 - 18th Corner - Liga de Fútbol de Tehuacán
Corner 93 - 17th Corner - Liga de Fútbol de Tehuacán
Goal 89 - 2nd Goal - Liga de Fútbol de Tehuacán
Corner 76 - 16th Corner - Liga de Fútbol de Tehuacán
Corner 72 - 15th Corner - Toros Huatusco
Corner 65 - 14th Corner - Liga de Fútbol de Tehuacán
Corner 63 - 13th Corner - Toros Huatusco
Corner 54 - 12th Corner - Liga de Fútbol de Tehuacán
Corner 50 - 11th Corner - Liga de Fútbol de Tehuacán
Corner 48 - 10th Corner - Liga de Fútbol de Tehuacán
Goal 45+1 - 1st Goal - Toros Huatusco
Corner 43 - 9th Corner - Liga de Fútbol de Tehuacán
Corner 42 - 8th Corner - Toros Huatusco
Corner 34 - 7th Corner - Toros Huatusco
Corner 32 - 6th Corner - Liga de Fútbol de Tehuacán
Corner 28 - 5th Corner - Liga de Fútbol de Tehuacán
Corner 24 - 4th Corner - Liga de Fútbol de Tehuacán
Corner 20 - 3rd Corner - Liga de Fútbol de Tehuacán
Corner 10 - 2nd Corner - Liga de Fútbol de Tehuacán
Corner 9 - 1st Corner - Liga de Fútbol de Tehuacán
Totale partita Calci d'angolo Calci di rigore Sostituzioni Gol
Toros Huatusco 4 1 0 0 0 -3
Liga de Fútbol de Tehuacán 14 1 0 0 0 -4
Shots on Target
Tiri fuori porta
Attacchi pericolosi
19:09 - 1x2: 21.000 1.040 13.000
19:08 - Asian Handicap: (0) 3.550, 1.275
19:08 - Goal Line: (2.5) 8.750, 1.075

Quote 1X2

Attacchi pericolosi

Shots on Target

Tiri fuori porta



Statistiche in base all'ultima incontri

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