Brazil U20 League

Mostra statistiche del primo tempo
Data Casa Punteggio Trasferta 1x2 Caduta Asian Handicap in casa Goal Line Asian Corners Attacchi pericolosi Tiri totali Shots on Target Calci d'angolo     
02-06-2024 18:00 1 Santa Cruz FC U20 3 - 0 Santa Fe PE U20 2
Apri pagina singola
Santa Fe PE U20 Santa Cruz FC U20
90 - Missed Penalty - Santa Fe PE U20
Goal 87 - 3rd Goal - Santa Cruz FC U20
84 - 8th Yellow Card - Santa Cruz FC U20
Goal 83 - 2nd Goal - Santa Cruz FC U20
Corner 81 - 10th Corner - Santa Fe PE U20
80 - 7th Yellow Card - Santa Fe PE U20
Corner 77 - 9th Corner - Santa Fe PE U20
72 - 6th Yellow Card - Santa Cruz FC U20
Corner 72 - 8th Corner - Santa Cruz FC U20
Corner 68 - 7th Corner - Santa Cruz FC U20
Corner 57 - 6th Corner - Santa Fe PE U20
Corner 57 - 5th Corner - Santa Fe PE U20
Corner 42 - 4th Corner - Santa Cruz FC U20
Corner 40 - 3rd Corner - Santa Cruz FC U20
Corner 36 - 2nd Corner - Santa Fe PE U20
35 - 5th Yellow Card - Santa Cruz FC U20
34 - 4th Yellow Card - Santa Fe PE U20
34 - 3rd Yellow Card - Santa Cruz FC U20
32 - 2nd Yellow Card - Santa Cruz FC U20
30 - 1st Yellow Card - Santa Fe PE U20
Goal 23 - 1st Goal - Santa Cruz FC U20
Corner 21 - 1st Corner - Santa Cruz FC U20
Totale partita Calci d'angolo Calci di rigore Sostituzioni Ball Safe Injures Gol
Santa Fe PE U20 5 3 0 1 0 99 1 0
Santa Cruz FC U20 5 5 0 1 0 119 4 3
Shots on Target
Tiri fuori porta
Attacchi pericolosi
19:51 - 1x2: - - -
20:01 - Asian Handicap: (+0.25) 1.190, 4.500
20:01 - Goal Line: (3.5) 6.800, 1.105

Quote 1X2

Attacchi pericolosi

Shots on Target

Tiri fuori porta



Statistiche in base all'ultima incontri

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